Irena Živković
PhD Material Science and Engineering

Research fields:
– Composite Materials
– Eco friendly Materials
– Materials Engineering
– Nanocomposites Materials
– Smart Materials
– Materials Science and Engineering in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Education: Irena Živković graduated from Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy University in Belgrade, where she also completed her master’s studies in the field of Materials Engineering and defended her doctoral dissertation in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. As a scholarship holder of the European Union, she completed postdoctoral studies in the field of Materials Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum University in Bologna, Italy.

Scientific appointments:

  • Citations 505, h-index 11
  • National and International projects

– 7456 2DНeriPro у оквиру програма Призма Фонда за науку Републике Србије, 2D Material-based Tiled Network Films for Heritage Protection Руководилац радног пакета Heritage sample preparation, 2023
– ТР Развој опреме и процеса добијања полимерних композитних материјала са унапред дефинисаним функционалним својствима, Ев. Број ТР 34011, за период 2011-2019, учесник (руководилац Р. Алексић/В.Радојевић), финансијер МНиЗЖС
– Internacionalization of Polymer Technologie College, Slovenj Gradec, Republic of Slovenia, Erasmus OGRS 63/2013
– ИП Развој технологије и индустријског постројења за континуално наношење UV умтежавајућих, полимерних превлака на оптичка влакна, Ев. Број ИП06-8011Б, за период 2006-2008, учесник (руководилац Р. Алексић), финансијер МНиЗЖС, Руководилац задатка: Методе ојачавања оптичких влакана за пренос сигнала у навођеним балистичким пројектилима

Educational engagement:

She worked at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade, in the Laboratory for Dangerous Substances of the Institute of Security in Belgrade, at the Belgrade Polytechnic College and from 2014 onwards, at the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, where she teaches Science and Materials Engineering in the study programs Applied Arts, Design and Conservation and Restoration. As a visiting professor, she lectured at the Faculty of Polymer Technologies in Slovenia, at the Faculty
of Engineering of the Sapienza University in Rome, Accademia Belle Arti di Napoli, School of Chemical Engineering of the University of València and Faculty of Architecture of Technical University Graz.
Author of five academic textbooks, one monographic publication, 14 technical solutions and. 77 scientific papers

Selected publications and presentations:
1. Ј.Milanovic, Т.Lazic, I.Zivkovic, М.Vuksanovic, M.Milosevic,М.Kostic, The Effect of Nanofibrillated Tempo-oxidized Cotton Linters on the Strength and Optical Properties of Paper, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2020,
2. Ј.Milanović, Т.Lazić, I.Živković, M.Milosević, I.Castvan Janković, М.Kostić, Decreasing of water absorptiveness of paper by coating nanofibrillated cellulose films, Materials Protection, 62(3) (2021) 180-190. ISSN: 0351-9465.
3. I.Živković, C.Fragassa, A.Pavlović, T.Brugo, Influence of moisture absorption on the impact properties of flax, basalt and hybrid flax/basalt fiber reinforced green composites, Composites Part B: Engineering 111, 2017, 148-164
4. R.Damjanović, M.Jović, R.Jančić-Heinemann I. Živković, Conservation and restoration of works of art and museum artifacts made from polymer materials – field of close connection of science and art: overview of current practice, Book of Abstracts: Second International Conference SmartArt – Art and Science Applied “Experience and Vision”, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade, 2021, ISBN 978-86-80245-44-7/ Proceedings
5. M.Jović, R.Damjanović, M.Vuksanović, I.Živković, T.Volkov-Husović, R.Jančić-Heinemann, Uticaj čestica na bazi aluminijum oksida na mehanička svojstva i otpornost na kavitaciju akriloidnih kompozita, Tehnika, vol. 73, br. 1, str. 59-62, 2018.
6. Petrovic Milos MI, Mihailovic Pedja M, Brajovic Ljiljana M, Petricevic Slobodan J, Zivkovic Irena D, Kojovic Aleksandar M, Radojevic Vesna J Intensity Fiber-Optic Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring Calibrated by Impact Tester IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 16(9)(2016), 3047-3053, 2016 (IF2016=2.512, ISSN: 1530-437X)
7. Obradović, V., Stojanović, D.B., Živković, I., Radojević, V., Uskoković, P.S., Aleksić, R. Dynamic mechanical and impact properties of composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes Fibers and Polymers, 16 (1) (2015) 138-145. IF 2013=1.113 (Materials Science, Textiles 6/22) ISNN:1229-9197 doi:0.1007/s12221-015-0138-2
8. Д.Б. Стојановић, М.М. Зрилић, Р.М. Јанчић-Хеинеман, И.Д. Живковић, А.М. Којовић, П.С. Ускоковић, Р.Р. Алексић, Mechanical and anti-stabbing properties of modified thermoplastic polymers impregnated multiaxial p-aramid fabrics Polymers for Advanced Technologies, (2013), vol. 24 br. 8, str. 772-776, (IF (2012) = 1,635; ISSN: 1099-1581)
9. M. Торки, Д.Б. Стојановић, И.Д.Живковић, А. Маринковић, С. Д. Шкапин, П.С. Ускоковић, Р.Р. Алексић, The Viscoelastic Properties of Modified Thermoplastic Impregnated Multi-axial Aramid Fabrics Polymer Composites, 33, 158-180 (2012) DOI-21260, (IF (2012) = 1,482; ISSN 1548-0569)
10. В.Обрадовић, Д.Б. Стојановић, Р.М. Јанчић-Хеинеман, И.Д. Живковић, В.Радојевић, П.С. Ускоковић, Р.Р. Алексић, Ballistic Properties of Hybrid Thermoplastic Composites with Silica Nanoparticles Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 9(4) (2014) 97-107. IF 2013=0.778 (Material Science, Textiles 8/22) ISSN: 1558-9250
11. И. Живковић, М. Томић, Љ. Брајовић, С. Милинковић, Р. Алексић, Ballistic damage detection in thermoplastic composite laminates by means of embedded optical fibers Journal of Advanced Materials, 39 (3), 49-53 (2007), (IF (2007) = 0,150; ISSN 0036-0821; ISSN 0096-7920)
12. И. Живковић, П.И.Перишић, З.Х.Бурзић, П.С.Ускоковић, Р.Р. Алексић, Aramid fiber reinforced laminar thermoplastic composite materials Journal of Advanced Materials, 37 (4) 23-31 (2005) ISSN 0036-0821; (IF (2005) = 0,321; ISSN 0096-7920)
13. И. Живковић, Љ. Брајовић, П.Ускоковић, Р. Алексић, Indentation damage detection in thermoplastic composite laminates by using embedded optical fibers Journal of Advanced Materials, 37 (1) 33-37 (2005) ISSN 0036-0821, (IF (2005) = 0,321; ISSN 0096-7920).
14. L.Gosch, H.Vašatko, J.Jauk, E.Šamec, I.Zivkovic, M.Stavric, A controlled shaping method through the shrinkage of clay, Proceedings of IASS 2022 13th Annual Symposium of International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Innovation, Sustainability and Legacy, Peking, China, september 2022
15. Zivkovic, I., Kojovic, A., Brajovic, L.,Mitrakovic, D., Aleksic, R. Laminar composite materials damage monitoring by embedded optical fibers Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures – Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, pp. 1035-1036

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This research was suported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia under the grant number 7456.

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