Radmila Panajotović,
Ph.D. in Physics


Research interests
– 3D printing of organic-2D-material composites for medical applications
– Potential use of 2D-materials as protective coatings for wall paintings – cultural
heritage protection
– Application of 2D-materials and their heterostructures with biomolecules in tissue
– Self-assembling properties of biomolecules
– Nano-particles adhesion to 2D-materials and transport through biomolecular films
– Thin condensed films on various conducting and insulating surfaces
– Molecular adsorption and electric properties related to alternative energy sources
using biomolecules and 2D-materials
– Radiation damage from charged particles

Language of communication
English, French, Serbian

Academic Education & Training
B. Sci.; M.Sci, and PhD (1999) in Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics, Faculty of
Physics, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Additional training – non-formal

CEDAM (2001) interactive courses on Teaching at University at the Australian National
University, Canberra, Australia
Postgraduate training (stage (fr.); 1996-97) at the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris VI,

Employment history

07. 2011. – Researcher, Graphene Lab, Centre for solid state physics and new materials,
Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia
10. 2007. – 10. 2010. Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Physics and
Astronomy, Faculty of Science, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
03. 2004 – 02. 2007. Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of nuclear medicine and
radiobiology, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Quebec), Canada
11. 1999 – 11. 2003. Post-doctoral Fellow in the Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory,
Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia

Research experience:

Scanning Probe Microscopy – Kelvin Probe Atomic Force Microscopy of biomolecular thin
films supported on dielectric and conductive substrates
FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy – Transmission Fourier Transform Infra-red spectroscopy in
the mid spectral range of thin biomolecular films.
Electron – Biomolecule Spectroscopy (on targets in condensed phase) – X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy of thin condensed molecular films;
High-Resolution Electron Energy-Loss (HREEL) measurements of low-energy electron
scattering on condensed molecules of biological interest: DNA and its constituents (bases and
Electron – Molecule Spectroscopy (gas phase) – Measurements of absolute elastic and
inelastic cross sections and excitation functions (energy dependent cross sections) for
electron scattering from molecules and measurements of temporary negative ions.
Multiple coincidence measurements – electrons ejected from molecules (photo-ionization by
synchrotron radiation) are detected (Time-of-Flight measurements) in coincidence with
molecular ions, below or above dissociation energy limit.

Funding grants and Awards

Current projects

– Principal Investigator – SAIGE – Proof-of-Concept – „Electric field- and UV lightassisted
polymerization of 3D- printed dental PMMA composite with graphene and
hexagonal boron nitride“
– Work package leader – „2D materials – artefacts compatibility investigation”(WP3) in
the National Research Fund grant – PRIZMA – „2D Material-based Tiled Network
Films for Heritage Protection-2DHeriPro“.

Previous projects and awards

– Principal Investigator – CERIC-ERIC research grant – title “Characterization of 2Dmaterial
based composite thin films as active elements for sensing Pb and As
pollution in water”, project number: 20217047, September 2021
– SIT (Scholar in Training) travel grant for the contributed paper (also chairing a
session) at the 2010 Radiation Research Society Annual Conference in Maui, Hawaii,
– COST-ECCL Collaborative Visit Grant (March 2009) – for collaboration with the
Laboratory for Supramolecular systems in the University of Bielefeld, Germany
– Principal Investigator – Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (competition
April 2007) – 100 000 EUR over a period of four years
– SIT (Scholar in Training) travel grant for the oral presentation of the contributed
paper at the 2006 Radiation Research Society Annual Conference in Philadelphia,
– Participant – Research Equipment Fund grant funding – RIEF (with Professor
Stephen Buckman, Dr Maarten Hoogerland and Dr Julian Lower) for the year 2001
(AUD 92 000)
– Granted a stipend from the French Government (former CIES organization) for the
eight months training in the Laboratory for the Dynamics of Ions and Molecules
(DIAM), University Pierre et Marie Currie, Jussieu, Paris, France (1996-1997).
– The “Best Master’s Degree in Physics Award of the Year 1993” given by the Institute
of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia

Summary of technical expertise

Ultra-high vacuum technique and instrumentation; operation at synchrotron facilities
(XPS(ESCA) of surfaces. Atomic Force Microscopy measurements.
Design, implementation and operation of electron – optics systems for the manipulation of
charged particles (electrostatic energy analysers, ToF tubes, pulsed electron-beam source).
Use of FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy instrumentation for targets in condensed phase.
Use of quadrupole mass spectrometers (Masstorr) for monitoring residual gases content in
Production of thin films of biomolecules (deposition by evaporation and sublimation from the
gas phase, and from the solution – lyophilization;
Langmuir-Blodget thin film preparation; extraction, purification and manipulation of plasmid
DNA Use of data acquisition instrumentation (amplifiers, discriminators, counting electronics
and coincidence lines) and use of various commercial software for electron optics design and
testing, data acquisition, data analysis and presentation (Gwyddion, CASA, EIS, Material
Studio, SIMION, Lab View, C, COBOLD, Origin, Microsoft Office, etc)
Theoretical modelling using the Accelrys Material Studio package (DMol3, VAMP, etc.)

Teaching experience

Mentoring PhD and Honours students
Tutoring students in the laboratory and problem-solving sessions
Lecture for post-graduate students – “Killer- electrons – how they hurt our body and our
Lectures for the Residential School third year students – “Dielectric materials” – “ESR and
NMR – theory and application”
Interactive lecture/workshop – “Presentation and dissemination of experimental data – how to
write a TMA”
Preparation of examination material.
Marking – Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA)

Additional experience

Remote evaluator of European Commission grant proposals (2017 – 2022)
Management Committee Member in COST Action (European scientific cooperation activity)
AFM for BioNano Medicine.
Organizing international scientific conferences (Secretary General)
Organizing seminars and meetings within the research group and the Department.
Referee for Journal of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
New Journal of Chemistry, Metals, 2D materials, Nanomaterials, etc.

Selected publications, invited talks and conference contributions

1. Jasna Vujin; Weixin Huang; Jovan Ciganović; Sylwia Ptasinska; Radmila Panajotović,
“Direct Probing of Water Adsorption on Liquid-Phase Exfoliated WS2 Films Formed by the
Langmuir– Schaefer Technique”, Langmuir 2023-06-13 | DOI: 0.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00107
2. Simonovic, J.; Toljic, B.; Lazarevic, M.; Markovic, M.M.; Peric, M.; Vujin, J.;
Panajotovic, R.; Milasin, J. “The Effect of Liquid-Phase Exfoliated Graphene Film on Neuro
differentiation of Stem Cells from Apical Papilla”, Nanomaterials 2022 | DOI:
3.Szabo, T, Panajotovic, R, Vujin, J, Tomasevic-Ilic, T, Bagdanavictute, I, Urbonate, G,
Cseko, R, Hemadi, K, Varo, G, Nagy, L “Photosynthetic Reaction-Center/Graphene
Biohybrid for Optoelectronics”, J. Nanosci.Nanotech. (2021) 21 (4) 2342-2350 DOI:
4. R. Panajotović, J. Vujin, M. Vorokhta, I. Khalakhan, I. Milošević, W. Huang, and S.
Ptasinska,“Effects of ambient humidity on composite graphene-thymine and graphene-lipid
thin films as a platform for molecular sensing”, Book of Abstracts, 20th International
Conferences on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, NN23, 4-7. July 2023, Thessaloniki,
Greece, p.76; Published online: Editors: Prof. S. Logothetidis, Dr. C. Gravalidis, K.
Meliopoulou, P. Rampota, S. Ploumistou
5. Marinković, B.P.; Panajotović, R.; Šević, D.; McEachran, R.P.; García, G.; Blanco, F.;
Brunger, M.J. “Experimental and theoretical cross sections for elastic electron scattering from
zinc”, Phys Rev A, (2019) 99 (6), Article Number: 062702, DOI:
6. Simonović, J.; Toljić, B.; Rašković, B.; Jovanović, V.; Lazarević, M.; Milošević, M.;
Nikolić, N.; Panajotović, R.; Milašin, J. , “Differentiation of stem cells from apical papilla
into neural lineage using graphene dispersion and single walled carbon nanotubes”, J.
Biomed. Mat. Res. Part A (2018) 106 (10) 2653- 2661, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.36461
7. Aleksandar Matković, Ivana Milošević, Marijana Milićević, Tijana Tomašević-Ilić, Jelena
Pešić, Milenko Musić, Marko Spasenović, Djordje Jovanović, Borislav Vasić, Christopher
Deeks, Radmila Panajotović, Milivoj R Belić and Radoš Gajić, „Enhanced sheet conductivity
of Langmuir–Blodgett assembled graphene thin films by chemical doping“, 2D Mater. 3
(2016) 015002
8. Radmila Panajotovć, V. Lyamayev, S. Ptasinska, K. Prince, „Low-energy electron damage
of DPPC molecules – a NEXAFS study“, Radiation & Applications, 1 (1) 2016, 46-50
9. Lange, J. Matsumoto, A. Setiawan, R. Panajotovic, J. Harrison, J. C. Lower, D. S.Neman,
S. Mondal, and S. J. Buckman, “Angle-resolving time-of-flight electron spectrometer for near
threshold precision measurements of differential cross sections of electron-impact excitation
of atoms and molecules” – Rev. Sci. Instr. 79 (4) (2008) 043105
10. Radmila Panajotović, ’Radiation effects of slow electrons on biomolecules – where the
experiment and theory meet’ Proceedings of 2nd International Conference “Theoretical
Approaches to BioInformation Systems” TABIS2013), Editor: Institute of Physics, Belgrade,
Serbia, 2014, p. 153-165 ISBN 978-86-82441-40-3
11. Radmila Panajotović, Marc Michaud and Léon Sanche, “Cross sections for low-energy
electron scattering from adenine in the condensed phase” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9 (2007)
138 (“hot article”)
12. Radmila Panajotovic, Frédéric Martin, Pierre Cloutier, Darel Hunting, and Léon Sanche,
“Effective Cross Sections for Single Strand Break Production in Plasmid DNA by to 4.7 eV
electrons”, Radiation Research, 165 (2006) 452-459
13. Radmila Panajotović and Jasna Vujin, “Modifications of Lipid/2D-Material
Heterostructures by SEM”, Contributed papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Progress
Reports and Workshop Lectures, SPIG 2016, 29. August – 2. September, 2016, Belgrade,
Serbia, p182
14. R. Panajotović, “Molecular and Atomic Nanoclusters on self-assembled supported lipid
multilayer structures”, Characterisation of Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine,
Nanobiotechnology enlargement workshop, Joint Research Center, European Research
Commission, November 2015, Ispra, Italy

Summary of technical expertise

Ultra-high vacuum technique and instrumentation; operation at synchrotron facilities
(XPS(ESCA) of surfaces. Atomic Force Microscopy measurements.
Design, implementation and operation of electron – optics systems for the manipulation of
charged particles (electrostatic energy analysers, ToF tubes, pulsed electron-beam source).
Operation of FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy instrumentation.
Operation of quadrupole mass spectrometers (Masstorr) for monitoring residual gases content
in vacuum.
Production of thin films of biomolecules (deposition by evaporation and sublimation from the
gas phase, and from the solution – lyophilization; Langmuir-Blodget thin film preparation;
extraction, purification and manipulation of plasmid DNA
Operation of data acquisition instrumentation (amplifiers, discriminators, counting electronics
and coincidence lines) and use of various commercial software for electron optics design and
testing, data acquisition, data analysis and presentation (Gwyddion, CASA, EIS, Material
Studio, SIMION, Lab View, C, COBOLD, Origin, Microsoft Office, etc)
Theoretical modelling using the Accelrys Material Studio package (DMol3, VAMP, etc.)

H-index: 15


This research was suported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia under the grant number 7456.

The content of the website is the sole responsibility of its authors and does not reflect the opinion of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.

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